Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day 21-What's heavy on our hearts

The Children in my class are strictly from other countries. Cuba, Puerto Rico, Russia, Brundi, and this year, my first two children from Burma. It's been in the news lately-you might have seen it. I have wanted to be close to them all year, but because of the language barrier, they are sent to another teacher for the main subjects. They are so adorable and willing to learn-you can't help but love them. I have always felt a barrier between the three of us-but i didn't know where it came from....maybe my lack of understanding their background or culture-maybe their fear of my culter...i'm louder, i'm touchy, i don't know....
I've been to other countries, i taught other children who aren't from america....

so this has been in the back of my head all year....

and then my husband takes me to Rambo....he saw Enchanted with me the other weekend so i guess i owed him....
the whole beginning is real news footage about the Civil War (basically Genocide) in Burma. (My kids came directly from that as refugees). I wanted to throw up. I mean you hear about it, read about it, but the whole movie was about these missionaries (who were so SOFT!!!! CHRISTIANS ARE TOUGH!!! NOT A BUNCH OF SISSIES!!!) who demanded from Rambo for him to take them into Burma from Thailand. Well, to my surprise, ha, ha, they got themselves into danger with the Burmese rebels. Rambo had to come to their rescue. I really pray that people do not see that as fiction. I pray that they open their minds to the fact that people are dying and suffering from rape, murder, starvation, etc....
But anyways, i guess i wanted to share with you why i am so passionate about being sent somewhere other than America.
I can hear their cries.
I used to hear my kids in class, their struggles, their fears, their past...
I would fall on my face for them. I would continually seek God in how to relate and teach them.
But the cries from over seas is so much louder. I hear them in my sleep.
"And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with you God" Micah 6:8
God has shown us what is good here. He has shown us that the United States is overly blessed. He prompts in our hearts to take care of the poor and needy. He says that more than once in his word. So, those of you who have that whisper in your heart-answer it. Ask Him what he means! What does the Lord require of you? Is it to stay here and give to the ones in need here? Do you see their face? Is it to care for a neighbor next door that you've never met? Or is it to travel far to a place where you don't know where you are going,you don't know why except that you hear their cries?
We are just stewards of God's money, His earth, his people....we all belong to him... The lord says that all we have here we cannot take with us. It will be burned, but our spirits will remain and rise. heavenly rewards cannot burn up-those are the things in your heart that are crying out for you to do.
Thank you Jesus for this fast....I pray and pray that you never dull this burnden in my heart. That you never seize to stop speaking that to me. Forgive me that I rely on all these comforts at times. Forgive me that I still struggle with these sins in my flesh. help me to continue to train, to prepare-like paul says he beats his body, for it is at war with our spirit, so that i may finish my marathon in spirit.